[Ansteorra] Time period

Hugh & Belinda Niewoehner BurgBorrendohl at valornet.com
Mon Jul 29 20:40:52 PDT 2013

Corpora clearly states "Pre-seventeenth Century" so...pre-1601.  But 
anything documentable to the next decade or so is highly likely (or 
assumed to be) found in period as it likely took a while for something 
to be common enough to show up in general use.    Hence Digby is 
generally accepted as 'close enough'.

Can you document the origin to a specific year or is that simply when it 
came into common use and therefore rose to the "I gotta write about 
this" level?

HE Damon

On Jul 29, 2013, at 1:15 AM, Brett Chandler-Finch 
<naturemakeswell at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have heard the sca time period extends either to 1600 or1650.   I am
>>> interested in recreating a plague doctor outfit  for an A&S Project.   The
>>> costume was invented in 1619.    Would this be too late for an A&S project.

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