[Ansteorra] Elfsea Baronial College

Daralynn Brittain elspeth013 at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 30 08:54:13 PDT 2013


I am sponsoring a couple of contests at Elfsea Baronial College.

Baronial Insignia - the Barony needs award insignia!

 for insignia for the Baronial Awards.  Award information can be found 
at:  www.elfsea.ansteorra.org. (Your Excellency, would You please give 
more insight into the actual insignia information, please?)
could be 
multiple prizes.. bring out the Baronial bling, and 
compete for the prizes!  

This will be determined by Populace vote!!

Original Charters for Elfsea 25th Anniversary - 

 year will be here, quickly.  We are looking for the scrolls to be 
presented to the Baronial Champions in: Archery, Chivalric and Rapier 
tournaments.  Only the chosen scrolls will be used for 25th year event, 
the other scrolls could be utilized for future Elfsea events. If you 
have any ideas, or possible changes, to the requirements for this 
competition, please shout them out.  Due to the nature of the event 
these are for, it is hard to define specific rules for it....I am open 
to ideas from the community as to how this can be 

UPDATE: See the website for the event regarding specifics: http://elfsea.ansteorra.org/events/College2013/

No scroll text needed (space for the text IS needed), the Artwork for the scroll will be judged.

Best Heraldic Display- 

 is limited space, however; I am willing to find the space....please 
bring out Your heraldic items!!  Banners, bling, examples of how You use
 Your badge to identify Your things, etc...etc..etc..  Let's make the 
space shine with Heraldic colors!!!  The only way to hang anything, is 
to use the special hangers that remove without damaging the 
walls....otherwise, banner stands will be needed..

Populace vote, come out and choose Your favorites!!

 will be prizes, if You do not wish to compete, but want to participate,
 think about donating to the prize baskets.  Looking for art supplies, 
research material, material, paints, beads, etc.  Contact me at the 
email above..thank you  :)

The day will be filled with classes, friends, a wonderful sideboard luncheon, laughter and fellowship.  See you all there!

In Service,

HL Elspeth de Stervlen 		 	   		  

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