[Ansteorra] The End of an Age

Thomas gemartt at earthlink.net
Wed May 8 15:29:58 PDT 2013

What ever the quality of word fame was if it produces a positive result in
providing new members (with out violating our media policy) then it was
worth it. We all need to remember that every single member of the S.C.A is
an ambassador for our organization. Each of us has the opportunity to
spread the good word and leave those who encounter and inquire about us
with a lasting impression. All you have to do is share your passion for the
S.C.A with a smile.

The idea of the wrapped advertising does work, at the company where I am
employed we went from decals to wraps on our company trucks and saw an
increase in inquiries for the services offered by those techs who were
driving the wrapped trucks. There are loads of people out there who put
bumper stickers on their vehicles or vinyl decals in their rear
windows...any of those could easily be turned into advertising with the
addition of an S.C.A.ORG.

My personal favorite idea so far is a bumper sticker that simple says "Go
Medieval" and along the bottom is "at SCA.ORG". Any kind of Viking related
advertising should draw some attention with the "Viking" television series
on the History Channel, popular culture can be our friend in this regard. I
for one am looking forward to seeing a blossoming interest in our society.


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