[Ansteorra] If you're attending Steppes Artisan next Saturday....

Emma Haldan via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri Aug 8 09:49:53 PDT 2014

Tax Free weekend starts tomorrow! While you’re shopping for school supplies, consider picking up an extra item or two for Rainbow Days and bringing it with you to Steppes Artisan.

Rainbow Days is a non-profit organization that gives children hope for a promising future by providing the skills and support they need to make healthy choices, stay drug free and believe they have a purpose. On 20 August 2014, they will be having an event to give homeless children the supplies they need to succeed in school. There will be an (unofficial) collection box for anyone who wishes to lend a helping hand.

Rainbow Days is working with the DISD supplies list. It can be found here: http://www.dallasisd.org/cms/lib/TX01001475/Centricity/Domain/2776/schoolsupplypricelist.pdf

Art supplies, like glitter, markers, fun crayons, map colors, sequins, and cool scrapbook paper would be wonderful donations for the work they do all year round. If you would like to know more about Rainbow Days, check out their website at www.rainbowdays.org

This is an unofficial activity, not officially sponsored by Steppes or the SCA. On the other hand, it’s an excuse to buy the school supplies you wished they’d had when you were a kid!

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