[Ansteorra] Updates to Martial website

Martial Webminister via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Sat Jul 19 21:11:00 PDT 2014

Good Morning,


  I have recently had some renewed energy to focus on the Martial website.
Here are a couple key items:


.         The Rapier reports are now available and consistent with the
Armored and Missile reports. The marshals can find their reports via:

o   http://marshal.ansteorra.org -> Reporting (upper left hand side) ->
Select the right report

.         The various Kingdom and Regional officers can be found via:

o   http://marshal.ansteorra.org -> Officer links (mid left hand side or
bottom center)

o   NOTE: Updates to the listings need to come from the Kingdom officer, so
let your up-line know if there needs to be changes.

.         List of Authorizing Marshals with warnings of expired membership
and/or background checks via:

o   http://marshal.ansteorra.org -> Authorizing Marshals (mid left hand side
or bottom left)

o   NOTE: The reason for the warnings is that those without valid membership
and/or background check on file will not be able to authorize people on the
soon to be released on-line authentication form. In the near future, those
with expired paperwork will simply be removed from the website listing.


In Service,

Phelim "Pug" Gervase, OP, OL, etc

Martial Web Minister

Webminister at marshal.ansteorra.org

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