[Ansteorra] SCA Audit Preparation

Ansteorra Exchequer via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Jul 29 08:14:51 PDT 2014

Hello Ansteorra,

TL;DR: Money things, don't panic! (And: I apologize if you get this
multiple times. Please share as appropriate.)

As you will have seen, the State of California is preparing a financial
audit of the SCA. The full particulars of this audit are not yet available.
What we do know is this: the period of review is 2012-2013.

** PLEASE! Let me know if your group's financial records are NOT complete
for all of 2012-2013, for ANY reason! **

The assembled Local and Regional Treasurers of our Kingdom were briefed on
the following at Round Table:

While we are waiting to see how this will affect us, please everyone review
your books for 2012-2013. ALL Quarterly reports should have the following
information current for the reporting period on each form:

Bank Name, Branch Address

Representative Name and Telephone

Bank Account #,

Authorized Signers

Depreciated Assets

I'll keep you updated as I know how this will affect our Kingdom,
Elsa von Schammach, CIM
Incoming Exchequer
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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