[Ansteorra] A & S at Beltane

Cynthia Teague via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri Apr 17 07:22:42 PDT 2015

Artisans of Ansteorra : come share your work with others in a
non-competitive Arts & Sciences in SCA Life display at Namron's Beltane
Games, May 1-3. Here's what we would love to see :

- What have you created that further develops your persona? (Time/place
specific garb, accessories, poetry, etc.)
- What have you created that enhances your event experience? (Camp gear,
banners, medieval food/drink, feast gear, etc.)
- Have you created things using the tools/processes that are appropriate to
your persona? (Hand vs. machine sewing, pewter casting using period molds,

These are prompts, not categories. Please share with us the way your Arts
and Sciences have enhanced your SCA experience outside of competitions. No
documentation is necessary but we'd love a short written description
explaining how this has affected your SCA experience.

Time will be set aside for performance entries -- if you have a piece that
you do not feel is appropriate for Bardic or Foolery, Their Excellencies
still want to experience it.

I can't wait to see what people bring!

Lady Vigdis Gráfeldr
Arts & Sciences Champion, Barony of Namron

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