[Ansteorra] Stepped Bardic Competition at Warlord

Magge Genie via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Sun Apr 26 20:56:13 PDT 2015

To all performers and bards do I, Magge MacPherson send greetings. 

I have enjoyed my year as the Steppes Bard, but the time has come to pass my title on to another. 

So, after much discussion with Her Excellency Katya, here is the challenge:

The Theme of Warlord this year is "Life, the Universe and Everything." 

Two rounds to me during the day, starting around 1:00 in the hall. They can be any genre, but points will be added for following the theme of the event, and for pieces that are period/period-esque. 

Between 4 and 6 performers  will be chosen for the evening performance. This will take place half an hour after court at a location determined by the weather. 

Her excellency requires that she have fun and be entertained. That means, no tears as she does not find tears entertaining. 

Round 1: A toast. 100 words or less. This should honor someone. 

Round two: Period or in a period style, something 10 minutes or less. Bonus points for fitting in the theme. 

Round three: Impress us.  Again, bonus points will be added for those who fit in the theme. 

I look forward to a fun and entertaining competition. 

Magge MacPherson, bard 

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