[Ansteorra] From the Hospitaler.

Kingdom Hospitaler via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Dec 2 07:17:25 PST 2015

Greetings Ansteorra!
May your Holidays be Joyous

The Fourth Quarter reports have just been received and you should all
express your thanks and pride to your Hospitalers and the work they have
done. Northern Region reported 17 new people this quarter, Central reported
28 new people, and the Southern Region reports an astounding 57 new people
this quarter. For those scholars of sums that is 102 new people recruited
in the last three months!  Rounding out our total for the year at over 400
new people recruited! Many thanks and congratulations to all those who
helped make that happen please keep up the good work.

The Hospitalers efforts do not stop with recruitment we must work hard to
maintain those we have recruited. The Hospitalers office is a friend to
all; checking up on both new people and old friends whom we have not seen
in a while. Hospitalers assist people in finding their way in our society
by making introductions when necessary, helping arrange rides to meetings
and events, clothing those who are in need by collecting loaner garb and
arranging sewing sessions, providing education teaching others in etiquette
and assisting them in acquiring the skills necessary to our society. All of
these efforts and so much more has lead Ansteorra to be a Kingdom that is
still growing when others are declining. There are still groups who do not
have hospitalers if you are friendly and enthusiastic Ansteorra could use
your help, please volunteer today.

As a not so shameless plug if you have not yet taken Earl Owen's class on
Recruitment and Retention I highly recommend it. Find where this class is
being taught next and attend, not only is it insightful and entertaining
but it is truly inspiring. Earl Owen's class is in my opinion one of the
contributing factors to the successes reported by my office.

As this year wraps up so does the end of my time as  Kingdom Hospitaler.
There are so many varied aspects to this office it does take a special kind
of person to do it correctly but this Kingdom seems to have found a stock
of just such folks and it has been my great pleasure to be able to work
with them all. Please send your applications to myself, Their Majesties,
and the Society Chatelaine so that a replacement may be found.

Baron Ian Dun Gillan
Kingdom Hospitaler

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