[Ansteorra] 12th Night feast reservations

via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Dec 8 14:53:26 PST 2015



We will have only 150 spots for the feast at Steppes 12th Night!!
If you would like to reserve a spot for yourself or for your entire
household, here's the online form.
It's pretty simple. However, if you prefer not to use a Google Form, you
can email me at treasurer at steppes.ansteorra.org . I will need the legal
and SCA names of all the adults and a phone number for a single contact.
That's it!. Easy as pie!
Speaking of which, is it dinner time, yet? I'm hungry and I can't
imagine why. 


In Service, 

Mistress Xene Theriane, OL, OP 

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