[Ansteorra] NMS-Related Update to Society Financial Policy

Ansteorra Exchequer via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Jun 10 11:33:47 PDT 2015

Greetings Ansteorra,

Starting July 1, 2015, all Kingdoms will be expected to turn report/remit
NMS on a monthly basis, instead of the current Quarterly schedule.

To meet that schedule, the due date for NMS fees from events will be 10
days after the close of the event, also starting July 1, 2015. This is a
change from the 30 days that we've historically had.

The full text of the explanation letter describing the changes will be in
the July BlackStar. The updated Society Financial Policy (4-2015) is not
yet up on the SCA.org webpage, but the Regional Exchequers and I have it
electronically, and can share it.

What this means to you:

If you are the Money-Handler in Charge at an event, we'll need you to send
the Event Report, NMS check, and any Kingdom profit splits to the NMS
Deputy within 10 days of the close of an event.

If you have expenses for any event going forward, please talk to the
event's Money-Handler In Charge as early in the process as you are able.
The process may not be able to wait for late receipts.

See you at King's College!

HL Elsa von Schammach
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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