No subject

Fri May 29 15:34:45 PDT 2015

the Vormund mayhaps the same or some classes. The A&S winners usually wind
up holding a class or 2 here etc. As well as setting things up for the next
year and their duties to represent whom they have won their champion
standing from.
Just my two cents worth :)
Chass Brown aka Charinthalis Del Sans
Hospitaler/Minister of A&S Canton of Rundel
Owner Dwarvenhome Armory
Event Steward Margrave VIII
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mr. and Mrs. Fryday" <fryday at>
To: <ansteorra at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Branch Champions responsibilities and privileges

> This has been a great discussion so far. But I still haven't got a clue
> a champion is expected to be responsible for. The easy answer is to just
> that responsibilities vary from one Championship to the next. This makes
> an easy answer but difficult to express to in terms that a Teacher would
> instruct to a student. After all that is what Knights do for their
> Dons do for Cadets, and other Peers do for their apprentices. Since I'm
> to the SCA, I'll just have to hope that these duties are more defined in
> future. Perhaps someone will elect to take this discussion to a higher
> and set out clear, fair, and honorable rites, duties, and responsibilities
> for Ansteorran Champions. Then this could be passed on from Master to
> Student as part of the education one may get in the SCA. For now I'll be
> happy to go experience the awe... and try not to step into my gapping
> Gassion de Beaumarchais
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