No subject

Fri May 29 15:34:45 PDT 2015

enroute and intimidated you as well.

PC 20.02 Unlawful Restraint

(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly restrains
another person.
(c) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor

Sounds like you have them by the short hairs to me.  There is a defense to
prosecution stating "it is no offense to detain or move another under this
section when it is for the purpose of effecting a lawful arrest or detaining
an individual lawfully arrested."  If they didn't call the LE agency, then
this cannot be used in their defense.  It must also be pointed out that
these are criminal charges, so if I were you I would file these as soon as
possible, along with following up with an attorney for the civil suit you
should be contemplating.  Every one of us has had bad experiences with
businesses, and I do not advocate filing of frivoulous lawsuits, but if your
account is correct, they did not have proof of the allegations since they
let you go, and never contacted an LE agency, therefore they were knowingly
in the wrong.

Have at them.

LE Dispatcher Extraordinare

>I got pulled aside for shoplifting today at Best Buy. I hadn't done
>anything. I was dressed like I used to dress for work in an office (we
>had just come from dinner with the conservative inlaws) - a red cotton
>skirt, another under it for warmth, and a red cotton sweater set. I
>didn't exactly look like public enemy number one.
>I was held in a small room without any explanation beyond the
>unfounded accusation that they had seen me "put something up [my]
>skirt", they refused to search me, even though I ASKED them to,
>offered them my purse and fully consented to any search necessary to
>prove my innocence, and asked to be allowed to go if they wouldn't
>search me. They wouldn't search me, nor would they let me go. They did
>not ask me to wait until the police got there, they just accused me
>over and over and stood between me and the door in a tiny
>claustrophobic room. They forced my husband to wait outside, with the
>$80 worth of stuff we had just bought.
>They were apparently trying to get me to confess to something I did
>not do so that they could hand the confession over to the authorities
>when they *did* call them. They didn't let me go until my husband
>knocked on the door and asked them if I could be allowed to leave.
>They let me leave, so they apparently knew it was all groundless. They
>wanted me to confess, and were willing to detain me as long as it
>took, even though I asked to leave if they would not search me.
>Bastards <other expletives deleted>.
>We returned all the stuff we bought and went to buy it elsewhere. I'm
>NEVER shopping there again, and we are asking everyone we know to
>plase try to do that as well, at least for a time.
>Thanks for reading,
>Marguerie de Jauncourt
>---chimericalgirl at of Last Minute Miracles---
>"We went out with both lips blazing, and a pen in either
>hand..." - the Flash Girls
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