[Ansteorra] War of the Ram Artisans Row classes as of 11/15/2015

Willoc mac Muiredaig via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Sun Nov 15 14:17:00 PST 2015

Border march's War of the Rams is fast approaching!
The Artisans Row schedule has finally been released.

Here's a link to a filterable Google document we'll try to update daily
until the war.
Google Doc:

Note that it includes a teen track starting Friday evening, color-coding
for child-friendly classes, and evening activities.

We still have room for more classes, mostly on Friday: Looking for messy
classes, lecture-type classes, scribal & similar arts requiring wind-free
space, and Fiber Arts. Oh - and a big courtyard, suitable for big-space
demos and/or bowling games.

In Service,
Mistress Willoc mac Muiredaig & Honorable Lady Elene Kirchenknopf
War of the Rams Artisan's Row Class Coordinators

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