[Ansteorra] [Elfsea] Thank you!

Seneschal of Elfsea via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Nov 17 08:00:31 PST 2015

Master Caelin and HE Pyro,

You have created a compilation that is hard to rival--- and helped
to compile and catalogue such a comprehensive pictorial history of many
Kingdom, Elfsea, and SCA events.
The dedication you both display is appreciated by many inside and outside
our borders.

In Service,
Lady Aoife Ruadh inghean Ragnaill
Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 9:25 AM, Richard Threlkeld via Elfsea <
elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:

> I take photos because I enjoy doing it, but I want to provide pictures of
> events that please all of you. I look at what you guys view and what you
> comment favorably on. I look at composition, color, exposure, and more in
> each of those so I can improve my skills. One measure of success is the
> total number of views and Pyro and I have hit a milestone of 8,000,000
> views across our nearly 110,000 photos.
> Thanks to all of you.
> In service,
> Caelin on Andrede
> mka: Richard Threlkeld
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