[Ansteorra] Ansteorra Marshallate Authorization Expirations

via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Sep 1 04:55:35 PDT 2015

The following individuals have authorizations that are recently or are
about to expire:

Thomas of Steppes
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Juan of Stargate
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Aingeal Mac an Ghabhann
Loch Ruadh
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Aldric de Kerr
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Alexander Marcellus
Armored Combat           : 10/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 10/15
Combat Archery Marshal   : 10/15

Alexander O`Kelly
Armored Combat           : 07/15

Alexandra Notte Clare
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Armored Combat Marshal

Alicia Blackdragon
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15

Armored Combat           : 08/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 08/15

Antonia de la Fuente
Armored Combat Archery   : 09/15

Aselina Renee Catalane
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat            : 09/15

Atli Karlsson
Armored Combat           : 11/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/15

Avatar (Albrecht) Catsprey
Loch Soilleir
Armored Combat Archery   : 08/15

Ayla Du Val
Ravens Fort
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Baldwin Harper
Siege                    : 07/15

Beorna Wihtmunding
Gates Edge
Armored Combat           : 10/15

Biau-douz de la Mere
Rapier Combat            : 09/15

Blaiddistav ap Blaiddu
Rapier Combat            : 10/15

Britta MacGregor
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Brom OBrien
Eldern Hills
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Armored Combat           : 08/15

Armored Combat           : 09/15

Ceallach mac Donal
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Cian Rhys Gravenor
Combat Archery Marshal   : 07/15

Claire Van Dusen
Ansteorra - Other
Siege                    : 12/15

Coenred aet Rauenesdale
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 12/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 12/15

Colete d`Evreux
Armored Combat           : 10/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/15

Conal O`Riordain
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Corvin di Fenarro
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Daffydd Whittaker
Brad Leah
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Dalla Dughalla
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Daniel O` Niallagain
Youth Boffer2            : 07/15
Youth Boffer3            : 07/15
Youth Boffer Marshal     : 07/15
Youth Boffer Junior Marshal: 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Foil : 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Epee : 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Heavy Rapier: 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Melee: 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Offensive Secondary: 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Defensive Secondary: 07/15

Rapier Combat            : 07/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/15

Dominika Tesheia
Armored Combat           : 10/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/15

Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15

Eadric Anstapa
Gates Edge
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal

Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat            : 10/15

Edric Leleivre
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 11/15

Edwin De Brus
Armored Combat           : 11/15

Elizabeta di Valore della Rosa
Rapier Combat            : 08/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 08/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 08/15

Eoghan Mac Cinatha
Dragonsfire Tor
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Facon du Pray
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Georges Le Breton
Gates Edge
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Gera von Roer
Armored Combat           : 08/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 08/15

Germanicus de Atlan
Armored Combat           : 10/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/15
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Armored Combat Marshal
Youth Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Rapier Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Gideon MacLeod
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat           : 09/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 09/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 09/15
Rapier Combat            : 09/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 09/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 09/15

Gunnarr Haukr
Eldern Hills
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal

Hallgeir Olafsson
Armored Combat           : 10/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 10/15

Heinrich Gluckstein
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat           : 11/15

Henri Hibou du Bois
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Henry Roberts
Armored Combat           : 09/15
Siege                    : 09/15

Hugo Hyden
Rapier Combat            : 10/15

Ingram Anshelm
Armored Combat           : 09/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 09/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 09/15

Isabella Maria della Rosa
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 12/15

Isolde of Mooneschadowe
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15

Jakob Rottross vin Templin
Loch Soilleir
Armored Combat           : 09/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 09/15

Johann Wulfgang von Aus
Rapier Combat            : 07/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/15
Cut And Thrust           : 07/15

John of Severn
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat Archery   : 09/15
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Rapier Spear Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal but not a current Cut And Thrust
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal
Combat Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Combat Archery Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Spear Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

John the Bellringer
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Kane Knightshade
Armored Combat           : 10/15

Kayleb Durh
Ravens Fort
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15

Keigan of Ravensfaire
Siege                    : 10/15

Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory
Siege                    : 08/15
Siege Marshal            : 08/15
Rapier Combat Archery    : 08/15
Target Archery Marshal   : 08/15
Thrown Weapons Marshal   : 08/15
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal

Kevin Keary
Siege                    : 08/15

Kite the Damaged
Armored Combat           : 11/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/15

Kolfinna in Kyrra Otarsdottir
Armored Combat           : 08/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 08/15

Konrad Novak
Armored Combat           : 11/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 11/15

Kyna Terricsdottir
Siege Marshal            : 10/15

Lasguaard Aglanar Red Fox
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 07/15

Lemoine de Gascony
Ravens Fort
Youth Rapier Combat Marshal: 10/15
Youth Rapier Combat Plastic Sword Marshal: 10/15

Leonhard von Lowenturm
Out of Kingdom
Rapier Combat            : 08/15
Cut And Thrust           : 08/15

Lochlan Dunn
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Spear Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Armored Combat           : 10/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/15

Mateo Montero de Madrid
Armored Combat Archery   : 11/15
Rapier Combat Archery    : 11/15

Mathias Vilicus
Fynnon Gath
Fiberglass Spear         : 09/15

Micolay Haiduk
Fiberglass Spear         : 08/15

Miguel de Oporto
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Miguel Sanchez
Siege                    : 09/15

Siege                    : 09/15

Niall the Silent
Rapier Combat            : 09/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 09/15
Rapier Combat Archery    : 09/15

Oringr Ketilson
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15

Orm the Wanderer
Armored Combat           : 12/15

Owen ap Aeddan
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Armored Combat Marshal

Quinton Ellys
Loch Soilleir
Target Archery Marshal   : 11/15

Quintus Aurelius Draconius
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Rafe Slater
Armored Combat           : 10/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/15

Randel Lee Smith
Armored Combat Archery   : 11/15

Rene Damours
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Rhiannon ferch Cian
Rapier Combat            : 09/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 09/15
Youth Rapier Combat Marshal: 09/15
Youth Rapier Combat Plastic Sword Marshal: 09/15
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Youth Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Rapier Combat Marshal
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Authorizing Marshal but without updated Background Check on file

Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15

Robert Westrynneman
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/15
Rapier Combat Archery    : 07/15

Rouen Tudor
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Sarra Asshton of York
Gates Edge
Siege                    : 09/15

Seamus macSiofraigh
Emerald Keep
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15

Tarquyn Gateslayer
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat           : 12/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 12/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 12/15

Therese Maria Giovanni
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Timothy Le Corbusier
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Tomas Niallagain
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

Toshiro Koi
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Ansteorra - Other
Target Archery Marshal   : 10/15

Trevor of Galeden
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat           : 09/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 09/15

Tristram of the Shadowlands
Rapier Combat            : 08/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 08/15

Ulsted the Unsteady
Loch Soilleir
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal

Vincois Picard
Rapier Combat            : 10/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 10/15

Vitorio Dora
Rapier Combat            : 11/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 11/15

Wayland of Durlach
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Wilhelm Scheer von Obernkirchen
Rapier Combat            : 11/15

Wilhelm von Buch
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

William Banes (Boncs)
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 09/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 09/15

William Gilly
Armored Combat           : 11/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/15

Ysfael Bryndu
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

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