[Ansteorra] Teen classes at War of the Rams IV (BAM)

Minister of Children via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Sep 22 06:44:36 PDT 2015

Greetings unto the populace,

As our event draws nigh, we are attempting to set our schedules in stone.
We have some wonderful classes scheduled so far, but we still need more!

For what, you ask? Well this year we have a special opportunity for our
teens to have classes geared specifically to them, hosted by the MoC on
Saturday. Adults are welcome to join, especially since some of the classes
would be great for newcomers.

Also, we are allowing the teens to work on their presentation and public
speaking skills by allowing them to teach classes! This is a great
opportunity to show off what you have learned and share your knowledge with
others. The classes can be taught by themselves or with a Co teacher /
mentor if they need assistance. If any teens are interested, please have
the *parent* email me so we can discuss.

I would like to have all classes decided on by no later than 10/16; earlier
if possible. If we have enough response for classes, I will extend the
schedule to Friday as well.

Ansteorra - this is an excellent opportunity to reach out to our youth and
show them this is why we do.what we do. As they turn into adults, it would
be wonderful to help them bridge that gap by showing them the one thing
they might have a niche in. These teens will one day be our leaders, so
let's help them get there. I look forward to your responses.

Lady Ceara inghean mhic an Ghabhann
Kingdom MoC, Ansteorra
moc at seneschal.ansteorra.org

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