[Ansteorra] A&S Championship September 24th

Elena Wyth via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Aug 10 11:16:37 PDT 2016

Greetings Artisans! The A&S and Bardic Championship for Loch Soilleir is
coming soon! (September 24th) This event will also be the investiture for
our new Baron and Baroness!

In honor of competing to be the First A&S Champion for our incoming Baron &
Baroness, we welcome you to enter your finest firsts! We are asking for one
entry in an art or science that you have started exploring within the last
year. (ie..a new medium in a familiar art, new art with a familiar medium,
etc....we're just looking to encourage artisans to branch out and explore!)

Special consideration will be given to those who incorporate "silver" in
some way to honor Loch Soilleir's Silver Anniversary.

Documentation is required! We also ask that entries are those that have not
yet won a previous competition.

If you would like to participate in Docu-match, a matching program to
assist artisans with fine-tuning their documentation, please let me know! (
elenawyth at gmail.com) We hope to offer this service before and after the
completion to meet artisan needs.

More information on the event can be found on the facebook page:

tl;dr: new-to-you art, documentation required, entry that hasn't won a
competition before, bonus points for "silver" theme.

In Service,
Lady Elena Wyth
Outgoing A&S Champion, Loch Soilleir

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