[Ansteorra] Steppes Artisan 2016

Seneschal of the Steppes via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Jul 21 22:44:03 PDT 2016

*Steppes Artisan XXVIII *

*Her Excellency Ekaterina Iadorovna Kharlampieva *

*Baroness of the Steppes, Lady of Glaslyn, Lady of Kyngescreke *

Invites the artisans of Ansteorra to compete for the honor of being the
29th Champion of Arts and Sciences of the Barony of the Steppes
on the 20th Day of August 2016.

A Silent Herald will be signing Her Excellency's Court.
Come one and all to share in the festivities of the day!

*Competition Rules *

Steppes Artisan is a body of work competition. Generalists as well as
specialists are encouraged to enter and compete. Her Excellency Ekaterina
wishes to see a diversity of endeavor. The minimum requirement for Artisan
candidates is one object and art that is heavily documented and at least
three other objects and arts that are moderately documented.

Other objects and arts in your display should have some documentation. Her
Excellency would also like to see the results of at least one thing you
have tried that just did not 'stick' or 'click' with you.

You will be required to sit with your display during judging hours, or have
someone who is knowledgeable about your display to cover for you if you
need a short break. There will be a lunch break, with entrants and judges
given first crack at the potluck. Judges will be easily identifiable by the
colorful sashes they will be wearing.

Her Excellency encourages young people to display their projects. Special
recognition will be given to young people willing to show and discuss their

Group projects are also encouraged. Documentation should be presented by
all persons involved in the process.

Display space will be available for those wishing to show their arts
without entering the competition. Space is limited and available on a first
come / first served basis.

*Pre-Registration is Required to Compete Registration is open until 15
August 2016*. All competitors will be guaranteed table space and room for a
single dress form, or an equivalent amount of space. Display-only space
will be available, and also require pre-registration. Please prepare to
provide your own display racks.

 To register as a competitor or to request display space, email the Artisan
Registrar Lady Johanna Jakobsdottir
<jenniebainter at msn.com?subject=Barony%20of%20the%20Steppes%20Artisan>.

 *Please include the following information: *

 ·         SCA Name

·         Modern Name

·         Email Address

·         Best Contact Phone Number

·         Your Group Name

·         Whether you need a whole table or half table

·         Whether or not you need an electrical outlet

·         Any special requirements, e.g. by a window

·         A brief description or overview of what you will be displaying

·         Please include any food allergies / dislikes.

·         Please include the blazon and attach a printable graphic of your
Arms to the email.

*To secure a response please note that:*

·       The e-mail subject must say: “Barony of the Steppes Artisan”

·       Their entry will be acknowledged within 48 hours. If no response
after 48 hours they may call the Artisan Registrar at her cell-phone number
(214-893-9081) between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

*Please Be Aware! *The site is *DRY*

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