[Ansteorra] Chemin noirs big giant problem

Minister of A&S via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Jul 21 19:35:39 PDT 2016

Chemin Noir is known for its dragon slayers, and this had become a
problem... For the dragons we have slain were actually the pets of the
frost giants to the far north of us, and now they have come to enact their
revenge! They are making their way South to us, destroying everything in
their path! Who will stand with us against the frost giants?? Who will be
the champions of Chemin Noir?!
(If you are a champion of Chemin Noir we ask that you would please contact
us ASAP and no, saturnalia was not a champion event. We greatly appreciate
you competing at saturnalia but it was not a champion event)
Adult registration $15
Adult member registration $10
Child registration $5
Children under 6- FREE
Feast registration $10

Autocrat contact information
Fionnghuala Fiadhaich
Mka: Nicole Eastwood
Moas at chemin-noir.ansteorra.org

Annais de Montgomerie
Dana Schuman
annais2012 at gmail.com

Arnulf ironskull
John Hinspeter
Johnhinspeter at outlook.com


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