[Ansteorra] SCA 50th Year: Land agent FAQ, Seeking late period tents, Armored Events, Equine Carousel

Elena Wyth via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Jun 6 11:25:41 PDT 2016

Greetings all! Please see the below announcements regarding SCA 50th Year:
Land agent FAQ, Seeking late period tents, Armored Events, Equine Carousel

In Service,
Lady Elena Wyth


We have *JUST ADDED* a Land Agent FAQ to the SCA 50 Year site.


Check it out!


Seeking Later Period Camps for the Period Timeline-

To help visually display the diversity of times and cultures the Society of
Creative Anachronism covers, we're setting up a Period Timeline on the

In it, those dedicated to persona development and encampments can display
their persona and culture.

We are nearly filled with the earlier periods and personas and would really
like to round out the collection with more later period features.

If you have a later period encampment and would like to join the timelime (
and really amazing camping space) then please fill out the following form:


Epic combat at SCA 50 Year!

Among  other armored events:
Tuesday, 6/21: Arthurian  Deed of Arms

Then, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, 6/22, It's DAY OF DEEDS, 5-Man
Treasure Ship Battle, and Squires' Tournament

Among a full slate of rapier events:
Sunday, 6/19: Tournament of Chivalry (all combatants)
Monday, 6/20: Snowball Tourney
Thursday, 6/23: Aethelmearc Ladies' Tournament
Friday, 6/24: Parade of Prowess

Links directly to all battlefield activities:

Horses are a big part of our SCA pageantry. Equine games, or Royals riding
into ceremonies or court, like we see in the photo below. But there's more.

There's the Carousel!

Mistress Peryn Rose Whytehorse of Meridies explained on the Performing Arts
list, and we're sharing it here:

"Carousels are late period entertainments that usually included music,
dance, poetry, theater, and (most popular) the Ballet a Cheval (equine

In simple terms, it's horses/riders doing figures to music.

The first documented Carousel was in 1585, in France. Heavily influenced by
French Ballet du Cour (Court Dance, which involved stylized geometric
forms), the rising interest in the Art of Horsemanship, and the ever
present desire to influence and intimidate through Entertainment, the late
period Carousel is a true spectacle.

Our SCA equestrians have been working on their riding skills for several
years to prepare for the 50th year Carousel performance on Friday, June 24
at Noon."

Get more EQ class times and info here:

Horses are a big part of our SCA pageantry. Equine games, or Royals riding
into ceremonies or court, like we see in the photo below. But there's more.

There's the Carousel!

Mistress Peryn Rose Whytehorse of Meridies explained on the Performing Arts
list, and we're sharing it here:

"Carousels are late period entertainments that usually included music,
dance, poetry, theater, and (most popular) the Ballet a Cheval (equine

In simple terms, it's horses/riders doing figures to music.

The first documented Carousel was in 1585, in France. Heavily influenced by
French Ballet du Cour (Court Dance, which involved stylized geometric
forms), the rising interest in the Art of Horsemanship, and the ever
present desire to influence and intimidate through Entertainment, the late
period Carousel is a true spectacle.

Our SCA equestrians have been working on their riding skills for several
years to prepare for the 50th year Carousel performance on Friday, June 24
at Noon."

Get more EQ class times and info here:


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