[Ansteorra] Call for Award Insignia!

Insignia Deputy via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Mar 8 17:03:12 PST 2016

Hello Stellar Populace!
Hear that sound? No, no, not the call to War, the other one - the call for
award insignia!

TRM are eager to recognize the populace for their great works, and with
that recognition, they hope to give the award insignia too! (psst, that's
where your help comes in!)

We are looking for award insignia! Especially needed are those medallion
insignia, such as the Sable Comet and Sable Crane.

If you have some you've been meaning to turn over, now is the time! If
you've been thinking about starting work on insignia, we'd love to help you
get started by answering any questions!

Please let me know if you have any insignia to turn in by sending me
message at insignia at herald.ansteorra.org and I'll be happy to arrange a
pick up, or suggest times when you can turn it in. If you have any
questions - again, ask! There's also a handy handout at
http://scribe.ansteorra.org/insignia.php for reference. :)

Many thanks!
Lady Elena Wyth
Insignia Deputy

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