[Ansteorra] SCA 50 Year: Deed of Arms, A&S Display Reg, Tent Rental, Fundraising for Founders

Elena Wyth via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri May 13 11:07:38 PDT 2016

Please see the below messages regarding SCA 50th year, including a Deed of
Arms, A&S Display registration going live, tent rental options, and a
fundraiser for am SCA Founders travel fund.

In Service,
Lady Elena Wyth

An Arthurian Deed of Arms at SCA 50 Year!

Sponsored by House von Atzinger; open to *all* periods; belted and unbelted

Get all the details here:

The A&S Display registration forms are LIVE and waiting for YOU!

Go here:


You can register to show your work for all the specialty display days,
static displays, the A&S 50/50 challenge and more!

Each day has it's own heading, and depending on the display happening,
there are *multiple* registration forms. Please read your sections
carefully and make sure you have the correct forms for the displays in
which you want to participate.

Questions? Drop a line to the A&S chair, Baroness Cathryn, and she'll make
sure your inquiry goes to the appropriate team member ASAP:
artsandscience at sca50year.org

Register now!! Spaces are limited throughout all display opportunities.


We're pleased to welcome Traders of Tamerlane as tent rental agents for SCA
50 Year. Now's your chance to experience life in a yurt--one that's
beautifully and accurately made.

See more on the Land page:



We all have found this amazing hobby called the SCA.  Personally my life
would be rather well different had I never found this fantastic hobby.  Our
Official 50 year celebration will be taking place starting June 17 through
June 27. http://www.sca50year.org/

Hopefully some, if not all of you, will be able to join us.  Even if it is
only for a weekend, we would love to see everyone!

I am asking for some help financially through GoFundMe:
to get the founders of this wonderful organization to our celebration.
Even if your donation is only $5 or $10 dollars every little bits helps to
get them to the event and/or pay for their hotel accommodations.  Please
share this message far and wide to any of your Kingdom, baronies, shires,
fighting groups, sewing groups anyone that is involved in the SCA so we may
help our founders see how much we appreciate what they did.

If this fund raises over the amount that is needed then the money will be
used either for the event or towards disaster relief that came to some
founders in the awful California wild fires that swept the area in
September 2015.  Please donate what you can and thank you for any and all
assistance.   If you have any questions feel free to contact me at
founders at sca50year.org

Mistress Keiley Duchem
Kingdom of the Middle
Founders Liaison

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