[Ansteorra] Possible promotion - Newman's Castle

Hillary Greenslade via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue May 24 19:17:05 PDT 2016

Hi all, 
When we heard about Newman's Castle, it was thought this might be a possible site/event location.   However, based on photos it appears the actual castle site is relatively small for an SCA function.   The castle arranged historical tours of the site, you have to pick up a bus in Bellville main square at the bakery, as there is limited parking at the site.  The castle is also the residence of the owner, per my understanding.   When the weather cools a bit in the fall, I plan to take a tour of the site.  

That being said, any opportunity for a booth or demo is always a good idea.   Per the FB page, this date is set as a Father's Day celebration day, so you may wish to find out how many intended visitors are expected so the volunteer group can plan accordingly for materials and staff.   Bellville is just south of Brehnam and Hempstead, west of Houston.    

Cheers, Hillary

Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 21:10:10 -0500
From: Brett Chandler-Finch via Ansteorra
    <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
To: Ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: [Ansteorra] Possible promotion

This came across the hospitalers email today.  Is there a group that would
be interested in a booth at this site.  Bellville Tx.  June 18
I'm helping Mike Newman with an event at his 'Newman's Castle'  on June 18,
2016, 4-8 pm.

I wondered if the SCA might like to have a booth at the event?
Let me know if there's any interest.

more about the castle and the event:

Dianna Norton
diannashipmannorton at gmail.com
979 270 5075

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