[Ansteorra] Queens Champion 2016

Queen of Ansteorra via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Nov 15 22:23:59 PST 2016


I would like to give a BIG thank you to everyone who helped with making my
Queens so special.  There were so many who worked and helped to make the
day Awesome.  From setting up, tearing down, asking if anything was needed.
All who did entourage and kept me on track. Thank you to HE Orlando,HE
Caterina, HE Vincenti, HE Ameline for keeping close tabs on my day.  The
Legion of Swashbucklers sang the most beautiful song to me.  All the MoD,
White Scarf, and Cadets that kept checking on me throughout the day.

Congratulations to Master Miguel Vaello de Villa Joiosa for becoming my
Queens Champion and for Lord Miles Ridley for being the holder of the
Queens Blade of Honor, Awesome fighting.

There were so many great fights and displays of honor from all of the
competitors. It was an honor to witness the skill, determination, and
stamina displayed were impressive and moving.

Thank you for making the Dream come alive and for all that each of you do.

In Service to the Dream,

Margherita de Mantua
Regina Ansteorra

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