[Ansteorra] Kingdom Insignia Gallery Project

Insignia Deputy via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Nov 22 09:35:26 PST 2016

Greetings Ansteorra!

As my tenure as Insignia Deputy nears its end (want to be my replacement?
Ask me how!) I have one final project I’d like to get started: updating our
insignia gallery.

It’s hard not to notice that we have the best artisans in the known world,
making THE BEST insignia ever. My hope is to get artisan and photography
releases (and perhaps a few sentences on materials and how it’s made) for
an updated insignia gallery, so that we can continue to inspire each other
and newer artisans as they join us.

My goal is to feature the insignia of each award made from various
materials and that range from introductory to advanced skill levels. From
standard to elaborate, I’d like to show the spectrum that can be achieved
in making our award insignia.

If this is a project that you feel that you can help the College of Scribes
with – as an artisan, photographer, or both! – Please let me know!
Insignia at herald.ansteorra.org

In Service,
Lady Elena Wyth
Kingdom Insignia Deputy

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