[Ansteorra] Tournament of the Lions

Suzanne via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Oct 5 16:24:07 PDT 2016

Greetings, Ansteorra!
Tournament of Lions is soon upon us!  This Tournament is not like any other in the Knowne World, and we are very excited to welcome you all as we celebrate our Ruby Anniversary as a Barony. 
We’ve received some questions regarding several aspects of the event, so we wanted to clarify a few things:
Letters of Intent:            Letters of intent are required to be considered for the Pride of Lions.  A physical letter of intent is preferred, but not required. (There will be prizes for The Baron and Baroness’ favorites). 
                                    Letters can be  provided by courier, mail, email, or even carrier pigeon- we simply need to know that you intend to participate.  Letters are due no later than October 14, so that we can ensure that we are adequately prepared to receive you!
If you will be bringing your letter to present at the event, or if you choose to provide your letter electronically, please email Her Excellency at baroness at bjornsborg.ansteorra.org. 
Artisan Sponsorship:    Fighters who wish to be considered for the Pride of Lions must be sponsored by an artisan (who will receive largesse and an invitation to a special luncheon).
                                    For the purpose of this tournament, an “artisan sponsor” means someone who has created a physical work of art that will be gifted to the Baron and Baroness for use at their discretion.
Sponsors do not have to be present on the day of the tournament to sponsor a fighter. 
Fighters can also be artisans, and can sponsor one another, but fighters may not sponsor themselves. 
Artisan sponsors are limited to one fighter each.
If a fighter needs a sponsor, please contact Her Excellency- she has a list of artisans who are willing to sponsor you!
Artisans are encouraged to enter their works into the Arts and Sciences competition. 
Crest Melee:                  If you would like to participate and are unable to create a crest, there will be a limited number available for purchase at the event on a first-come, first-served basis. 
                                    Fighters are NOT required to participate in the Crest battle to be considered for the Pride, but the more the judges see, the better your chances!
Yes, we really mean it when we say “No Pyrotechnics”
If there are any questions or concerns regarding participation in any of the many, many activities planned for Tournament of the Lions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Event Stewards or the Baron and Baroness. 
We look forward to seeing you all at this historic event!

Baroness of Bjornsborg

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