[Ansteorra] Crest Tournament

Alma Danks via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Sep 28 17:27:59 PDT 2016

We've been asked to share the specifics for the Crest Tourney at our upcoming 40th Anniversary/Lions Tournament.

HERALDIC CREST - A display of a portion of one's Heraldic Achievement, or of one's arms- such as a Lion's Head, a Tower, a Boar'sHead, etc. is preferred, but it does not have to be a registered crest - it is suggested that if you have one USE IT!
Crests must be made stable enough to stand freely, but also be EASILY crushed by a good solid hit. Crests may be made of Paper Mache,Closed cell Foam (no hard set/spray foam, please), or any other medium that would not pose as a possible safety issue should the item be smashed in combat(which of course, is the whole idea!).
Must be a MINIMUM of 6 inches tall and a MINIMUM of 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter. ANYONE wishing to enter the melee MUST comply with these dimensions or that fighter will be (politely)remanded to the sidelines to watch the other participants engage.
Crests must be anchored in a manner that will allow them to be removed with a direct blow from a SCA legal weapon (light duct taping, or simply tying them to a torse and mantle etc.)  It is suggested that Crests be filled with potpourri, large sequins, candy, confetti, powder or anything that will draw attention to its demise in a flashy and entertaining way. (ABSOLUTELY NO FIREWORKS or other pyrotechnical displays or effects will be allowed on the list field.)
Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing what everyone creates!

Lady Marianna Garcia, AutocratLady Enneleyn Phye Heydewolff, Co-Autocrat  In Service to the DreamLady Marianna Garcia, AutocratLady Enneleyn Phye Heydewolff, Co-Autocrat

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