[Ansteorra] Bardic Brawl at the War of the Rams this November

Rosa de Armanno via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Sep 29 10:33:35 PDT 2016

Feel free to cross post this.  

Bards and artisans ATTEND!!! The time has come to join forces to provide fame and largess for you kingdom. There will be a bardic brawl Friday night at the War of the Rams this November. Continue reading for details. 
Attend all bards of the lands of Ansteorra and Gleann Abhann. The time is upon you to procure largess for your crown. Find yourself Friday night, November 18, at the BFT for a bardic brawl at this years’ War of the Rams. Largess is required for entry into the contest. Those finding themselves eliminated in a round can “buy” their way into the next round with the payment of more largess. The last bard standing will be allowed to choose 3 items from the donated largess and the rest will be presented to the kingdom of the winning bard. Registration for this competition can be found in Merchants Row at the Busy Bee Spa starting Thursday evening. Registration will remain open until 6pm Friday night (will be moved to the BFT after 5pm Friday night). All bards must submit a largess offering to enter the completion, the largess will be collected when the bards are mustering for the first round. The first round will be scheduled to start at 7pm at the BFT. Remember, this is where you will submit your largess for the prize basket. Judges will be from both kingdoms. You may contact Lady Rosa de Armanno for more details or questions you may have here on Facebook or at glassrose_95 at yahoo.com 
How the competition will run: After a round is completed, scores will be totaled and the bottom half of the performers will be released. Should a released performer want to continue to compete in the next round, another largess offering must be submitted to enter the immediate next round. Bards may not re-enter the brawl after they have not participated in the round immediately post their elimination. 
Each round will have a bonus point opportunity to help your odds to make it to the next round. This process will continue until there is only one bard left. At the end of the competition, the winning bard will be allowed to choose 3 items from the largess offerings and then the rest of the bounty will be given to the winning bards’ crown. You may contact Lady Rosa de Armanno for more details or questions you may have here on Facebook or at glassrose_95 at yahoo.com  In Love & Light,  Rosa de Armanno  
Bordermarch, Stargate, Bjornsbord Bardic Champion
aka Paula

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