[Ansteorra] Kingdom Calendar reminder

Kingdom Calendar Requests via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Jun 5 18:11:50 PDT 2017

-A friendly reminder from the calendar deputy about what is required for
the link to an event be added to the Kingdom Calendar: It is up to either
the seneschal, webminster of a group or the event steward to provide the
links for an upcoming event to the calendar deputy. That website has to be
hosted on the Ansteorra.org
 website. The only exception to this is out of Kingdom events, such as Gulf
Wars or Known World events

A link to a Facebook event can be added along with, but not in place of,
the link on the Kingdom site.

I can add notes to the calendar, so if you feel a note needs to be added
please feel free to email it to me.

And finally, if you need an event added, date wise, to the calendar there
is a form on the calendar page. Please fill it out in full then submit via
Thank you,

Mistress Genevieve
Kingdom Calendar Deputy
calendar at ansteorra.org

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