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Tim McDaniel tmcd at panix.com
Mon Feb 19 13:15:48 PST 2018

On Sun, 18 Feb 2018, Chris Zakes <dontivar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Since when do rapier fighters fight on the same field
> and at the same time as the armored folks?

That's easy:

The finals of the Bryn Gwlad Zombie Tourney held at Populace around
Halloween, when the winner of the chivalric field and the winner of
the rapier field lead their zombies (snowball tourney) against each
other with boffer weapons and much silliness?

In which one of the major marshals each time is Death, protrayed by
Tivar Moondragon?

Yes, yes, I know, I know, it's an irrelevant note that would have
detracted from your point.  Still.

General notice: If you happen to be in Austin on the appropriate
Tuesday, do show up at Populace.  It's a lot of fun for everyone, even
spectators!  Aspiring list heralds, it's a great chance to practice.

Yours in being a hyperpedantic smartalec,
Danyll "brains, Tivar, brains" de Lincoln
Tim McDaniel, tmcd at panix.com

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