[Ansteorra] I don't remember who I shared it with, but someone wanted it, and I can't find it.

Giertrud Gyldenstierne giertrud at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 12:15:25 PST 2018

I once wrote a poem about a lady who missed her knight when he quested, and
the    knight brought her back a piece of dragon's tail.  I checked both of
my e-mails, and I  can't find  it!    If anyone has  this, please let me
know!    (I had to do a rewrite once since the original got destroyed.)   I
know I sent it  to SOMEONE.       [I   did find my    other three SCA poems



God is my lyght and saluation, whom then shall I feare? God is the strength
of my life, of whom then shall I be afraide?

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