[Ansteorra] Seeking info: Officer & Champion Pass-Down Items

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah zubeydah at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 08:21:58 PDT 2019

Greetings, Ansteorra!

I am currently working on building wiki pages to document the Kingdom
Treasures associated with specific Great Offices of State and also our
Kingdom Champions.

If you are an artisan who has made a pass-down item for one of those
Offices or Champions, and have photos and information about your work that
you are willing to share, I would love to hear from you!  Information can
be as extensive or as simple as you like. Photos, including the work in
progress, would be amazing. My contact info is zubeydah at gmail.com. (replies
to the list cannot include photos, as the list strips off attachments --
please send them directly to me)

Current and Past Champions and Officers! Do you have photos of yourself
wearing said treasures? Are you willing to allow that photo to be used, AND
do you know who took the photo>? Your help is needed, too!

To anyone providing photos, I will also need a Photographer's Release form,
which can be found here:

Thank you!

H.L. Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
Ansteorran Historian's Wiki Administrator
*http://tinyurl.com/zubeydahwiki <http://tinyurl.com/zubeydahwiki>*

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