[Ansteorra] Officer openings for April

myfanwy at pug.net myfanwy at pug.net
Sun Apr 12 14:31:55 PDT 2020

Greeting Ansteorra!

Here is the current listing of openings in the Kingdom as of right now. If I get informed of other openings, I will update this list. If you have any questions about how to apply or the position itself, please ask.

Applications due ASAP:
Central Regional Hospitaler
Southern Regional Hospitaler

Applications due 4/15:
 <https://www.facebook.com/robyn.bainter?fref=gs&__tn__=%2Cdm-R-R&eid=ARDFCJMUl6OP4bJApX1UY3X0phlFr4nTrAHZl2oS7-FziFjciBj_t-kohm288Xz0Ii3yZXRG0s4ydBnS&dti=78670722996&hc_location=group>Northern Regional Treasurer

Applications due 4/30:
Kingdom Missile Marshal
Deputy Kingdom Target Archery Marshal

Applications due 5/31:
Deputy Kingdom Combat Archery Marshal

Upcoming openings:
Kingdom Armored Marshal (Applications are being accepted in June through August 31)
Kingdom Rapier Marshal (Applications are being accepted in June through August 31)
Kingdom C&T Marshal (Applications are being accepted in October through December 15)
Kingdom Youth Combat Marshal (Applications are being accepted in October through December 15)
The online application can be found here: 
https://ansteorra.org/seneschal/apply-for-an-office/ <https://ansteorra.org/seneschal/apply-for-an-office/?fbclid=IwAR1_Ee2OlPyUOu9nFVKyDwONvvsWLIQ9u_23WDQN0QP6axfw9W7Tx5FNKQU>In service,
Myfanwy ferch Eifion
Officer Applications Coordinator
OAC at seneschal.ansteorra.org

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