[Ansteorra] A&S Championship at Candlemas

Elena Wyth elenawyth at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 09:34:08 PST 2020

Greetings all! It has been my honor to serve as the A&S Champion to Their
Excellencies Bryn Gwlad for the last year - but it is now time for another
to step up and take on the privilege! This weekend at Candlemas please come
vie to become their next A&S Champion! Additionally, there are a host of
fantastic classes, coordinated by the amazing HL Kassandra De Haas, so
please come learn ALL THE THINGS! A schedule can be found at
A&S Championship Details
The competition to select our next A&S champion will be a traditional A&S
event, judged with the kingdom judging sheets Note that the quality of your
written documentation bears heavily in the scoring. Please email HL Simona
della Luna if you have any questions.
The other A&S event will feature entries that make our game better, but
that might not fare well in a traditional A&S competition. Did you make a
clever wooden box to cover your ice chest? Engineered flat-pack
medieval-ish plywood furniture to take camping? Figured out a hidden ice
vest to wear at hot events? Entries do not need to be made with period
materials or techniques, but to outside observation they should make an
attempt at passing as pre-1600’s items. Written documentation is strongly
encouraged, though it does not need to conform to the kingdom judging
sheet. Tell your judges about your item, how you made it, and what it has
done to make playing in the SCA more enjoyable. Website:
http://bryn-gwlad.ansteorra.org/events/candlemas2020.php Class Schedule:
https://bit.ly/2tSSLTq Facebook event page:
https://www.facebook.com/events/516263192443826/ In Service, Elena Wyth
Outgoing Champion, Bryn Gwlad

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