[Ansteorra] Ansteorran Story Corps #4:

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah zubeydah at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 09:21:40 PST 2020



(Shamelessly stolen from NPR, the Ansteorran Story Corps Project is an
effort to gather stories of the people, places and events of our Kingdom.
Story Prompts are sent out via social media and the Kingdom Email List (did
you know the kingdom has an email list? it does!). The collected stories
are then posted to the Kingdom Wiki to be preserved:

Writing Prompt: Share a story about a way that you have given or received
tangible recognition / largess - whether formal (such as a blood drop from
a Pelican or a leaf from a Laurel) or a pass-down legacy largess item, or
even something simple.  Tell me of ways that you acknowledged the value and
worth and labor of others - or how someone gave you that recognition!

Stories can be posted here, via Reply to this thread, or sent via email to
Historian at chronicler.ansteorra.org .

H.E. Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
Historian & Wiki Administrator, Kingdom of Ansteorra
*http://tinyurl.com/zubeydahwiki <http://tinyurl.com/zubeydahwiki>*

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