[Ansteorra] Kingdom Seneschal - Stepping Down

Kingdom Seneschal seneschal at ansteorra.org
Mon Nov 9 17:39:59 PST 2020

Greetings Ansteorra, Last week, as I mentioned before, I made a comment on
a friend's post here on FB. It was my opinion, as in Sean's. The problem
is, at this time, I am not just me. I am the Kingdom Seneschal and I have
to not just have my opinion. I have to speak for Ansteorra...all of it.
Whether I like their views or not, the Kingdom Seneschal has to be the
person that the majority of the Kingdom trusts to have the best interests
of the Kingdom. And because of my post, even with deleting the post and
apologizing....it is obvious that a significant portion of the Kingdom does
not feel that they can trust me to be fair and balanced in how I act as the
Kingdom Seneschal. And that is not acceptable. If my being the Kingdom
Seneschal makes the kingdom not work...if it becomes about me, not about
the Kingdom...then I am hurting more than I help. And I cannot allow that
to happen. I am an Ansteorran, I will not be responsible for more damage to
happen than there already has. In light of this....at this time, I am
resigning as Kingdom Seneschal, effective immediately. Master Brian
O'hUilliam is my ER Deputy and will be taking over. Please give him your
support. I owe thank yous to many out there for all of your support and
advice and help over the last 9 months. The Greater Officers have been
amazing, thank you. My Regionals have gone above and beyond, both the
current and past. I am honored to have had such amazing people to work
with. Your Grace Sven and Your Excellency Christiana, thank you for
trusting me with this position. I hope that you were mostly pleased with
the results. Your Majesties Jason and Margherita, thank you for your trust,
your work, and your guidance. As we have said, this is not what any of us
signed up for, but I am glad that if I had to be dealing with
this...insanity we have had to deal with...I am glad it was serving with
you as my Crown. Brian....thank you. I owe you my friend. To Ansteorra...I
hope that my stepping aside will make it easier for others to work together
to help us not be as divided. I consider the SCA my chosen family. Families
don't always get along, we don't always make the best choices....but we are
family. For now, please know that I am not angry or upset and anyone for
having to step down. Again, we are all Ansteorrans. And I will continue to
be one. May we all move forward and find peace. In Service to
Ansteorra....always, Avery Shaw Former Kingdom Seneschal


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