[Ansteorra] 2020-11-10 Court Business

Kingdom Seneschal seneschal at ansteorra.org
Wed Nov 11 08:08:37 PST 2020

Greetings Ansteorra,

In court last night, Their Majesties issued the following statement:

On November 10, 2020, Jason & Margherita III, The Crown of Ansteorra have
issued a Temporary Removal from Participation from the SCA against Lee R.
Cockerham, Jr., known in the Society as *Arenvald Kief Av Kiersted.*

This sanction is effective immediately and applies to all lists, including
Facebook groups, and events, including virtual events.  In accordance with
the Sanctions Guide, this will remain in effect until the Board of
Directors reviews the matter and issues a decision.
For more information on the process, visit:

In Service,
Acting Seneschal

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