[Ansteorra] Royal Hunter

David Brown lddevin03 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 27 09:48:49 PDT 2021

Because the SCA is not historically correct. If it was then Knights would not be Peers.  The SCA is based on "how it should have been ". If you are unh as ppy you do not have to be involved. 

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  On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 11:21 AM, Dave Wise via Ansteorra<ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:   why be historically correct when we can be politically correct...

-----Original Message-----
From: Ansteorra
[mailto:ansteorra-bounces+wiselaw=comcast.net at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf
Of Kingdom Seneschal via Ansteorra
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 5:30 PM
To: Ansteorra List
Cc: Kingdom Seneschal
Subject: [Ansteorra] Royal Hunter

Greetings Ansteorra,

After consultation with the Order of the Arc d'Or, Their Majesties Floki &
Elizabeth will be changing the name of "Royal Huntsman" to "Royal Hunter."
This is in an effort to be more inclusive and use a gender neutral term
which could apply to any who hold the title.

Their Majesties will choose the first Royal Hunter this weekend at Eldern
Hills Samhain.  We hope many will vie for this auspicious honor.

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