[Ansteorra] Royal Hunter

Dave Wise wiselaw at comcast.net
Wed Oct 27 11:39:25 PDT 2021

Oh I'm a rather happy go lucky guy.  I'm quite aware of the 'as it should have been', only been doing this for 40 years or so, including holding multiple offices for at least 30 of those.  My reference is not just to actual historical practice, but specifically to how it has been historically practiced **in the SCA**.   I have been watching a number of long time SCA folks getting turned off by the inquisitions being conducted on many SCA related forums over the last year or two.  Instead of simply walking away quietly like so many have, I took another approach of opening up my property to continue hosting events. I cleared land for a medieval village, then built a mortise and tenon constructed dining pavilion, then built out a period kitchen.  While the rest of the kingdom shut down, we continued to hold the largest fight practices in the kingdom over the last year or two, as well as several events with 60 plus folks who all had a great time.  All this was done without requiring masks or checking vaccine status.  Of course folks were invited to take whatever health precautions they felt were appropriate for their circumstance.  Everyone came through it just fine, not one outbreak anywhere.  By treating folks as adults and not pandering to the latest social agenda, we have had a great time that has even brought out some of the folks who had given up on the SCA.  

The reason I am taking the time to post this is not to throw rocks at Brian or their Majesties, I think they are working hard and I honestly wish them the best of luck in managing things.  My perspective is based on having dealt with numerous seneschals and numerous Crowns across multiple kingdoms over a number of years.  When policies or decisions are made that are alienating a large percentage of the populace because a few folks squawk loudly about being offended, then it will only contribute to the problems the SCA is facing in recruiting and retaining members.


p.s. last I heard, it was the job of a Lion to speak for those who have had their voices silenced.....  

Because the SCA is not historically correct. If it was then Knights would not be Peers.  The SCA is based on "how it should have been ". If you are unh as ppy you do not have to be involved. 

  On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 11:21 AM, Dave Wise via Ansteorra<ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:   why be historically correct when we can be politically correct...

Greetings Ansteorra,

After consultation with the Order of the Arc d'Or, Their Majesties Floki &
Elizabeth will be changing the name of "Royal Huntsman" to "Royal Hunter."
This is in an effort to be more inclusive and use a gender neutral term
which could apply to any who hold the title.

Their Majesties will choose the first Royal Hunter this weekend at Eldern
Hills Samhain.  We hope many will vie for this auspicious honor.

In Service,

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