[Ansteorra] Royal Hunter

Social Media Deputy social-media at seneschal.ansteorra.org
Wed Oct 27 12:51:31 PDT 2021

All of the acceptable & approved forums for official SCA activity can be
found in the Society Social Media Guidelines which is hosted on the SCA
website. As this email thread has now devolved and strayed from the
original purpose, please refrain from continuing to push the matter here.

You are welcome to explore one of the many other approved online forums. As
we try to respect that people have many things coming into their inboxes,
and they need to determine which emails are important, we want to avoid
this list becoming something that becomes spam and fills their inboxes.
This is not the place to begin a back & forth argument.

Any further questions or concerns about the Royal Hunter can be directed to
your Crown or Kingdom Seneschal. Thank you all for respecting the others
who are part of this list and not continuing to reply or argue.

Margery Heron
Kingdom Social Media Officer

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021, 2:43 PM Dave Wise <wiselaw at comcast.net> wrote:

> Is this no longer a list for information that may have relevance to the
> entire kingdom?  If it has been devolved to merely serve as an instrument
> for disseminating proclamations, is there another a medium for kingdom wide
> discussion that doesn't involve facebook?
> Alexis
> All,
> If you have personal issues with the decision made, please contact TRM or
> the Kingdom Seneschal independently of the email list. Do not continue to
> fill people's inboxes with personal disagreements.
> Margery Heron

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