ARCH - youth and childrens rules

Ulf Gunnarsson ulfie at
Sun Oct 22 15:42:17 PDT 2000

Okay, so 'splain something to me. For the IAAC, do children have to be paid

We had an IKAC shoot yesterday (scores to follow), and I had two children
shoot the entire thing at the 10, 15, and 20 yard ranges.  The five year
old, Alan, alas did not manage to get any scores.  The eleven year old,
Elizabeth, got a score of 4 points, and this was the first time she has ever
shot the bow.

It was grueling for them to hold their attention on a task for so long, and
the only way it worked out was the fact that we had three lines of shooters.
So they got a ten minute break between shots, and could run around and play
with the dog behind the archers.  Some of the adults did too... :)

Ulf Gunnarsson
A.M. of Namron

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