ARCH - ABD Destructive Testing g_r.cathan at
Sun Apr 29 13:40:29 PDT 2001

Have you tried ruffing the surface of the plastic so the 
glue has something to stick to?

> Greetings
> I have been testing the 1/2 inch siloflex plastic ABD on my crossbow
> bolts using various types of glue to secure the string that attaches the
> ABD to the fiberglass bolt. Note: UHMW tapered blunt with 1/2 inch of
> blue foam.
> I used a 595 inch pound crossbow shooting at a piece of semi rotten
> plywood from 15 paces.
> Data:
>         5 minute epoxy - 10 shots - no problems
>         Bond-tite - 10 shots - no problems
>         Fletch-tite - 6 shots - ABD peeled away and rode up the shaft.
> At this point I published my results to various gentles who had
> expressed interest. I though about it over night and decided I should do
> more rigorous test.
> Changed target to a hardwood board to simulate a shield:
> Data:
>         5 minute epoxy - 1 shot - ABD peeled away and rode up the shaft
>         Bond-tite - 6 shots - ABD peeled away and rode up the shaft
>         Fletch-tite - didn't try!
> Conclusions: This system has potential but reliability rests on finding
> a suitable adhesive that is strong but flexible enough to secure the ABD
> and prevent it from riding up the shaft.
> My next step is to wind some fine string around the bolt shaft then glue
> it in place with Bond-tite. I will then remount the siloflex ABD on this
> bed of sting and retest.
> Any other ideas out there?
> Lord Deicyn Moel
> Acting Master of Arrows, Barony of Borealis
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