[Ansteorra-archery] Re: Combat archer auction:

ironwyrm at juno.com ironwyrm at juno.com
Wed May 16 10:31:56 PDT 2001

Not from me, the Black Star as I understand is in deep financial trouble,
thus the reason for all the auctions being held.

I know many others as well as myself are very dependent upon the Black
Star for "what's happening" & "who's who" in Ansteorra information, and
to plan my travels to different events within the Kingdom.


On Wed, 16 May 2001 11:00:54 -0500 "Dewart, Charles R. --G3 Contractor
(Anteon Corp)" <Charles.Dewart at hood.army.mil> writes:
> I just sent her an email.  I guess our stuff is in the osone
> somewhere.
> And your are most correct about all the friends we can get.  And
> many good
> ones do we have.  Later tonight, after Middleford's officer meeting
> or first
> thing tomorrow morning, I'll send out the announcement for the
> auction at
> Steppes and the one at AoB.
> I got to thinking about the money.  Whatever is left over from the
> refit is
> suspose to go to the publication and distribution of a new
> Participant's
> Handbook.  What happens if one gets done before the refit is
> finished?  I
> say  give it to the Black Star.  Any objections??
> Gilli
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ironwyrm at juno.com [mailto:ironwyrm at juno.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 4:51 AM
> To: ansteorra-archery at ansteorra.org
> Subject: [Ansteorra-archery] Re: Combat archer auction:
> Gilli,
> I am posting this to the archery page because I have not heard back
> from
> you, and I am not sure if you are receiving the e-mails.
> The Lady Mary Elizabeth, our Autocrat for Steppes Warlord, has most
> graciously granted our request to hold the first archery auction
> during
> that event.  Her response to the request is listed below.  I would
> hope
> our combat archers of Ansteorra will join me in expressing our
> gratitude
> to her when we see her at Steppes Warlord.  We could use all the
> friends
> we can get outside of the archery community to help support our
> cause in
> the future.
> Ironwyrm
> On Tue, 15 May 2001 10:30:18 -0500 "Annette Brauer"
> <mabrauer at hotmail.com> writes:
> > Ld William
> >
> > By all means, I will gladly save you table space for such a noble
> > cause. I
> > will leave it up to HL Gilli to take care of the advertisements.
> >
> > Be aware that there will also be a Blackfox Memerial Silent
> Auction,
> > and a
> > Lindenwood raffle also in the hall.
> >
> > In Service
> >
> > Ldy Mary Elizabeth
> >
> >
> > ----Original Message Follows----
> > From: ironwyrm at juno.com
> > To: mabrauer at hotmail.com
> > Subject: Combat archer auction:
> > Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 06:44:22 -0500
> >
> > Greetings Lady Mary Elizabeth,
> >
> > I have been ask to contact you by HL Gilli on behalf of the combat
> > archers of Ansteorra.  As you may already know or have heard the
> > resent
> > ruling of the BoD has declared that the current bolts and arrows
> of
> > our
> > combat archers can no longer used after Aug. 1, 2001 and must be
> > refitted.  The cost to do so is going to put a great strain upon
> > many
> > good gentles in the combat archer community.  Lord Gilli is
> > spearheading
> > an effort to assist many with this refit via silent auctions.  A
> > noble
> > cause which I endorse and have already pledged to contribute to
> > myself.
> >
> > What we are requesting from you is that you would consider
> allowing
> > us to
> > start those auctions at our Warlord event.   If so, Lord Gilli
> will
> > handle all the details on donations and paperwork, raised funds
> are
> > to be
> > used to refit the combat archers with any remain funds to be
> donated
> > to
> > the Kingdom to upgrade the archery marshal's manual.  I belive all
> > we
> > shall need is a bit of table space with which to display the
> donated
> > items.
> >
> > Please let me know if the Steppes will be willing to begin this
> > noble
> > endeavor to keep our combat archers on the battle field!
> >
> > Yours in service,
> >
> > Lord William Ironwyrm
> >
> > Royal Huntsman of Ansteorra
> .
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