[Ansteorra-archery] Signal Flags

Mike Catron meggiddo at netzero.net
Tue May 28 08:36:14 PDT 2002


I was presented and provided some input to the archers' meeting that was
held at Warlord this weekend. One thing that was bought up was
communicating with combat archers on the field during a battle. I did
raised one point - if this is established, then practice is required!

I have given this some more thought, the result - I am oppose to this
for the following reasons:

1. Need more people who are carrying a bow and are shooting;

2. Carrying a flag is not being active; and does not provide the
manpower that is needed on the field to support the shield walls

3. There is no way that I will turn my back on the opposing force to
look for a flag.

Or does the supporters intend to place the flags 20 yards behind the
opposing forces line? (Rather silly question to ask is it not.)

If I do turn my back on the opposing force, let us say, every 5th arrow
to check the flag and turn back around. There may will be a fighter in
my face due to the way combat is on the battlefield. Even in the ravine
battle, the lines flow and ebb through the battle. If an archer does not
their focus on the front and the sides then they will face that opposing

This does NOT seem to have been taken into account and gives the
appearance that the battle will be stationary much like a "static or
target" archery competition is.

When I take the field with Fray, I have already received my main
instructions, with secondary options - all based upon the fluid actions
of the forces in play on the field.

Therefore, I will not seek nor even bother to look at flags nor will I
support such a effort nor will I instruct other archers that are either
in the Fray or supporting the Fray to do so!

Michael of the Fray
Combat Archer for the Fray
Fray Archer commander (since 2000)
Greater Fyrd

Remember, we are always outnumbered!

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