[Ansteorra-archery] It's the Great Punkin Shoot Charlie Brown

CE Huse/Lady Maria Cabeca de Vaca cehuse at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 18 08:33:15 PDT 2002

Pumpkin Beer?? Hmmm...with the right spices, that sounds like it would be
good! I would love to to try some, if you make anymore!


> -----Original Message-----
> I don't know about that.  I brewed my first batch of pumpkin beer using a
> 48 pound jack-o-lantern we had carved for a Halloween party the night
> before.  Most shunned drinking it at first, but weeks after it had been
> completely consumed I still had people searching the frige and asking if
> there was any left.
> It couldn't have been that bad!
> Ironwyrm

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