[Ansteorra-archery] Re: Crossbow shooting & Popinjay

framptonandy at highstream.com framptonandy at highstream.com
Wed Jun 4 10:44:25 PDT 2003


Before you get too carried away about 'Popinjay' being easy - the mast is 30
yards tall, and an arrow proof shelter should be provided for those waiting
to shoot. The roost is 1 cock bird, 4 hens, and 24+ chicks arranged on 3
levels. An arrow or bolt if shot straight up - especially if its windy - can
go a long way (just ask the unfortunate owner of an air gym when I made a
mistake!) and is very unpredictable. Distance from the mast for the shooter
is not prescribed, but the closer the you stand, the better the chance of
hitting something.
If you browse around, you should be able to find details on setting up a
horizontal Popinjay - this can be done indoors, and traditionally involves
an oblong building with a corridor along the long side, the archer (or
Xbowman) shoots down the corridor at the roost which is housed in a suitable
arrow catcher, when clear, he proceeds down the corridor and collects his
missiles, returning through the adjoining room. The room should be equiped
with the usual archery accessories - Bar, Drinks, Snacks, seats, and as a
last resort, a view of the archer in action (shooting his bow/xbow not just
the usual line!). Scores are dependant upon the bird hit, (and the number of
drinks consumed)

Wishing you all the best of luck in this endeavour


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