[Ansteorra-archery] Pomp and Ceremony

Eadric Anstapa eadric at scabrewer.com
Sun Feb 22 11:07:41 PST 2004

Bob Dewart wrote:

>The feast isn't getting one Kingdom office to support another Kingdom
>office.  And by that I mean not just with Heralds.  There's a substainial
>amount of resources that go into a consultation table.
>But. that's OK.  I'm sure when the official notifcation comes out, it will
>be taken care of.
>Shoot more arrows.  You're bound to hit something.
As I said, I personally will be happy to help where needed. 

If that means somebody needs  a body to arrange heraldic services at 
AoB, then I'll help.  And if it means contacting another kingdom officer 
to do so then that I what I would do.  Likewise, if the event staff 
couldn't pull together water bearing and I needed to contact the Kingdom 
Water Bearer then I would do that, or the Kingdom Chiurgeon for their 
services, or the Kingdom Siege Marshal or Thrown Weapons Marshal if we 
needed help from their marshallate, or from the MOAS if we needed help 
running an A&S competition.

However, my opinion remains that it is the responsibility of the 
autocrat, event staff, and appropriate officers of the sponsoring branch 
to arrange such matters.  Otherwise we might as well just have the KAM 
as the autocrat for every AoB, the KRM the autocrat for every Queens 
Champion, the Earl Marshal the autocrat for every Crown Tournament, the 
KMOAS the autocrat for every Kingdom A&S, the Kingdom Seneschal the 
autocrat for every Coronation, etc.  It's not the KAMs job, but Eadric 
will help.



HL Eadric Anstapa
eadric at scabrewer.com

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