[Ansteorra-archery] IKAC and IKCAC results

Bob Dewart gilli at hot.rr.com
Sun Jan 11 14:56:39 PST 2004

Greetings and Hi There,

The Keeper has posted the results for this last season.

CHILDREN- No average: James Bunnyson 118, Eric Wallace 36.

IKCAC-  #4: Will Ironwyrm 111, Greylond Aston 105, Martin 91.

OPEN- #13:  Jacque the Spink 204, Jason Wallace 165, Robert of Yorkshire

OPEN CROSSBOW- No average: Ulrich of Caralingia 242, Roger Bagley 223.

PERIOD- #4:  Robert of Yorkshire 156, Gilbert Ost Westley 148, Edward
MacTavish 140,

PERIOD CROSSBOW- #5:  Roger Bagley 264, Edward MacTavish 150, Jacques the
Spink 124.

I would like to thank all those who shot the competitions.  And I would also
like to thank all those who helped with the ranges so these score could be

The next IKAC / IKCAC season starts 1 Feb.


Shoot more arrows.  You're bound to hit something.

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