Archery Marshals was Re: [Ansteorra-archery] combat archeryauthorization expiring

Bob Dewart gilli at
Sun Jan 18 17:24:22 PST 2004


Shoot more arrows.  You're bound to hit something.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eadric Anstapa 
  To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra 
  Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 6:16 PM
  Subject: Archery Marshals was Re: [Ansteorra-archery] combat archeryauthorization expiring

  Bob Dewart wrote:

    It is so nice to have things on line, in print.  That way when old men's minds forget things they can go look them up again.

    I thought that by vertue of their office, a local archery marshal was a supervising marshal.  Well, not according to what's on line now.  They aren't even require to be a "marshal", just make sure one is there if there's to be any shooting.  Well,,,ok.

    Shoot more arrows.  You're bound to hit something.

  Actually, they are required to me a "marshal" first.  Or in other words, before they can be a branch marshal they must first the authorized as an archery marshal.

  At  go to the manuals and reference pag and look for the document titled "Duties of Ansteorran Archery Marshals"   . 
  Look at the section for Branch/Local Archery Marshal  and at paragraph 2 in that section.  You will find the following:

  2. Branch Archery Marshals are encouraged to authorize as both as a Target Archery
  Supervising Marshal and as a Missile Combat Authorizing Marshal. They must have at least
  one of these two authorizations before they will be allowed to take office.

  That section needs to be updated.  Actually the document needs to be updated because as of the newly printed authorization cards our marshallate classification has changed slightly.  We still have the Target Archery Supervising Marshal  classification  but there are now two types of CA amarshal auths.  They are called  "Missile Combat Marshal" and "Missile Combat Authorizing Marshal".  Bacially we just replaced "combat archery"  with "missile combat"  to bring us in line with most of the rest of the known world and to more accurate reflect what the marshal is supposed to actually do.  We added the simple "Missile Combat Marshal"  so that not all of our MC marshals would be authorizing marshals..

  Thanks for remiding me that I need to update that document.


HL Eadric Anstapa
eadric at


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